What is abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty or an English jargon known as “tummy tuck” is an aesthetic procedure that reduces the fat tissue and excess of abdominal skin.Peoples reaches for abdominoplasty after big weight loss or after multiple pregnancies, when dietetic nutrition and exercise do not yield the desired results. In agreement and according to patient expectations, one type of surgery will be agreed, as abdominoplasty may only involve less removal of excess skin and fat tissue or, more broadly, intestinal wall fixation as a whole. The result of the surgery is more straightforward, tighter the abdominal wall and restoring the normal skin tone of the patient.
Patient preparation
The procedure
The procedure lasts for four to six hours, and in the period of six months to a maximum of one year the scar is completely faded.
Recovery process and helpful tips
The night after surgery, the patient will be under expert supervision at Superiora Polyclinic, during which he will receive a pain medication intravenously. Immediately after the operation it is necessary to lie on the back with bent legs, which reduces the tension in healing. If necessary, a drip will be inserted from each side of the cut, and the patient will also get a bandage and a stomach around the belly. The day after surgery, the doctor will tell how and how often he will exercise the legs, to prevent clots. To improve circulation, it is recommended to move your legs as soon as possible and move as far as possible. It is possible to have pain, at different intensity, for the first seven to 14 days, and the necessary analgesics and other medications will be taken by the patient in agreement with the physician. The corset should be worn at least three weeks after the operation. The first check is scheduled for one week after the operation, while the seams, depending on the rate of healing of the wound, are removed between the tenth and twentieth days after the operation. After the procedure, swimming is forbidden, and after the expiration of two weeks the physician’s recommendation is to further avoid more demanding physical (including sexual) activities. It is recommended to continue to sleep on the back with a cushion beneath the knees. Although the incision will still be red or pink, approximately one month after the joint, the swelling will shrink and it will also withdraw with hematoma. Approximately six months to a year later, the scar should be completely faded. It is important to keep up with all the advice you receive from doctor.