General Surgery

Surgery is a branch of medicine that deals with manual instrumental approach to the treatment of the human body. Surgical techniques date back to ancient times, for thousands of years. Progress in technical training has led to the robotization of many operational interventions. Undoubtedly, the human hand will be the leading role of the operation, but it is also evident that the technology will take over some of the most demanding surgical procedures.

Generally speaking, a general surgeon is a “surgeon for all”: from performing small surgical procedures such as removing skin and subcutaneous changes: atheromas, hygromas, lipomas, bursaries, tumors, menses, foreign bodies, scars, cysts … to the locomotor system : nose fingers, halx valgus, muffled nails, paronchis, panache, diabetic fingers, diabetic foot. This includes: sewing, wound cleansing and disposal, osteosynthesis removal, healing of joint and bone injuries, biopsy and warts. Operation of the appendicitis, ie mumps, swelling, toning, increased ly. nodes, they are all the interventions performed by the general surgeon. The general surgeon is cared for and open by fracture, amputated finger, soft road injuries. He is rightly said he is a surgeon for “all”.

General Surgical Procedures:

– extraction of lipoma, hygromas, atheromas, cysts, bursaries, foreign bodies, tumors

– Operation of skin hemangiomas, scars, tattoos – Sewing, tapping, wound care

– Operate the halux valgus

– operating the carpal channel

– Removal of osteosynthetic material

– treatment of tennis lacquer

– heating of joint injuries and tendons

– applying stem cells and supplements to the joint cavity