What is gynecomastia?

Male Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that corrects a benign increase of male breasts or gynaecomastia. Unfortunately, statistics do not speak in favor of male gender: in one third of men,before 40.  year , one of the degrees of gynecomastia can be diagnosed, and after 50  even half of the men suffer from this phenomenon, while in puberty this occurance has seen as much as 70 percent of boys. Gynaecomastia involves excess fatty and / or glandular tissue. The causes of gynecomastia are many – from certain diseases and medications to hormonal disorders , but in as many as 25 percent of cases the cause remains unknown. Sometimes gynecomastia is followed by the discharge of small amounts of milk.


Patient preparation


The procedure itself will largely depend on the causes of gynecomastia, which will inevitably be consulted with an endocrinologist specialist. Ideal men’s breast reduction candidates are healthy men with realistic expectations, ready to follow doctor’s instructions in the pre and postoperative process.

With an endocrinologist review, a consultancy review at the Superiora Polyclinic is required before the scheduled term of the surgery, where the doctor will request a comprehensive family and personal history. Of course, it is important to mention all medicines that are used continuously, as well as possible chronic diseases and allergies.

Due to the risk of hemorrhage and hematoma, it is recommended to avoid medication that affects blood coagulation and at least 10 days prior to the surgery, it is recommended to quit smoking.

According to the agreement with the physician, anesthesia examination should be performed a few days before surgery in the Superiora Polyclinic as the procedure is performed in general anesthesia.

No alcohol or food should be consumed eight hours before the operation itself.

The morning before the surgery, replace the usual bath with antibacterial soap, carefully and extensively applied to the chest and armpits.

The procedure

Male Breast reduction begins with general anesthesia (the patient sleeps during the procedure), except in cases where the area of the gynecomastia is smaller in diameter and only local anesthesia is needed. The procedure usually lasts between two and four hours.

In more complicated cases, the surgeon will cut the nipple around the nipple and remove the tissue of the hypertrophic dairy gland. The cut is precisely positioned along the edge of the areola, which combined with precise suture of the wound guarantees minimal visibility of scars.

Recovery process and helpful tips

In the case of more extensive procedures, the night after correction, the patient may have to undergo professional supervision at the Polyclinic, with antibiotic therapy and the necessary analgesics.

Final results will also depend to a great extent on the wearing of the corset which will be required to be carried from month to month and half . One week after the procedure, it is necessary to restrain from major physical activity, exercise and swimming, and especially from the stretching of the chest.
Sutures take about 10 days after surgery, while swelling can take about a month.