Tattoo removal
Tattoos are the century-long obsession of many people. Removing a tattoo is not an obsession, but it is often the perfect correction of the...
Scar removal
Uklanjanje ožiljaka je postupak u plastičnoj kirurgiji prilikom kojeg se ožiljak potpuno odstranjuje ili se njegova vidljivost svodi na najmanju moguću mjeru. Zdravo zarastanje...
Removing moles and minor skin changes
Removal of moles and other changes in the skin is usually performed for aesthetic reasons, but also when injury occurs, causing changes in color,...
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal or laser epilation is the safest, fastest, most effective and most obnoxious way to remove hair from the body. Smooth body,...
Laser tattoo removal
According to some estimates, up to half of the people who have decided to tattoo during life will change their minds and wish to...
Laser capillary removal
Laser capillary removal is an extremely fast, efficient and non-invasive procedure that gives excellent results in vascular lesions in all areas of the body,...